. Jaspal Kaur Sethi; . H. R. Nagendra; . Tikhe Sham Ganpat
Volume 3, Issue 9 , September 2013, , Pages 1-4
Background: A student under optimal stress does bring out his or her best; however, extremestress can result in mental health problems and deteriorates their academic performance.Students ...
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Background: A student under optimal stress does bring out his or her best; however, extremestress can result in mental health problems and deteriorates their academic performance.Students who esteem themselves low are most likely to engage in destructive and self‑destructivebehaviors. Moreover, excessive stress is harmful to academic performance and may lead todropping out in student. Can Yoga be of benefit in students for improving their attention andself‑esteem (SE)? Objective: To assess attention and SE in girls undergoing Integrated YogaModule (IYM). Materials and Methods: Sixty low‑income high school girls with 15.17 + 0.64 yearsof mean age participated in this single group pre‑post study. The data was collected before andafter 5 days of IYM. Statistical Analysis: Means, standard deviations, Kolmogorov‑Smirnovtest, and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to analyze the data with the help of SPSS 16.Results: The data analysis showed 9.04% increase (P = 0.001) in SE scores, whereas d2 test forattention revealed 10.12% increase (P < 0.001) in total number of symbols processed scores and44.73% decrease (P < 0.001) in total number of errors. Conclusion: The present study suggeststhat of IYM can result in improvement of attention and SE among students and thereby enhancingtheir mental health and can help them in improving their academic achievement. Efforts aimedat reducing mental health problems among students may focus more on implementing effectiveand culturally acceptable interventions, such as Yoga, counseling, and social support. Additionalwell‑designed studies are needed before a strong recommendation can be made.