. Alireza Jabbari; . Masoud Ferdosi; . Mahmoud Keyvanara; . Zahra Agharahimi
Volume 3, Issue 8 , August 2013, , Pages 1-7
Introduction: Policy makers and decision makers must identify the stakeholders in medicaltourism, who will be affected by and/or affect this industry, and determine their statusfor ...
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Introduction: Policy makers and decision makers must identify the stakeholders in medicaltourism, who will be affected by and/or affect this industry, and determine their statusfor partnership. The aim of this study was to identify the main stakeholders in Isfahan’smedical tourism, analyze them, and provide strategies for developing this industry.Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in 2011. At first, the key stakeholdersin medical tourism were identified in accordance with the experts’ idea and literature review.Then we interviewed the key stakeholders. Data analysis was conducted using the stakeholders’analyses, which helped in developing strategies. Results: The result showed that the keystakeholders were made up of nine groups. They included the provincial governance of Isfahan,the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Isfahan, the Chamber of Commerce, theMedical Council, the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, health service providers, tourismservices providers, investors, and the Tosea Saderat Bank. The rate of knowledge of the CulturalHeritage and Tourism Organization of Isfahan, clinic and international relationship of IsfahanUniversity of Medical Sciences from government policy about medical tourism were verymuch. Private Hospitals, the Medical Council, investors, and the University of Medical Scienceshad great power. Private hospitals, clinics, the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization ofIsfahan, and the University of Medical Sciences were in the supporter position. The effectedstrategies were the included strategies, focused on increasing power; increasing support,and on maintaining the position. Conclusion: There are different stakeholders in the medicaltourism industry. Thus, policy makers can plan, make a policy and decision, and use effectivestrategies to develop medical tourism by designing a medical tourism stakeholders’ network,a medical tourism provincial council, and clarify the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders.