Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Predicting of perceived self efficacy in the amount of macronutrients intake in women with metabolic syndrome - 2012
Predicting of perceived self efficacy in the amount of macronutrients intake in women with metabolic syndrome - 2012

. Siamak Mohebi; . Leila Azadbakht; . Avat Feizi; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Mohammad Hozori

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2014, , Pages 1-9

  Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a collection of metabolic disorders, which can increase themortality rates from 20% to 80%. One of strategies to control the disease is the attention ...  Read More
Importance of social support in diabetes care
Importance of social support in diabetes care

. Ghalmreza Sharfi Rad; . Leila Azad Bakht; . Avat Feizi; . Siamak Mohebi

Volume 3, Issue 10 , October 2013, , Pages 1-7

  Background and Objectives: Diabetes is one of the major concerns in the third millennium,affecting more people every day. The prevalence of this disease in Iran is reported to behigh ...  Read More
Structural role of perceived benefits and barriers to self‑care in patients with diabetes
Structural role of perceived benefits and barriers to self‑care in patients with diabetes

. Siamak Mohebi; . Leila Azadbakht; . Avat Feizi; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Mehdi Kargar

Volume 3, Issue 7 , July 2013, , Pages 1-7

  Introduction and Goal: In diseases and disorders such as diabetes, treatment and diseasemanagement depends mostly on patient’s performance. So, self‑care is very important in ...  Read More
Review the key role of self‑efficacy in diabetes care
Review the key role of self‑efficacy in diabetes care

. Siamak Mohebi; . Leila Azadbakht; . Avat Feizi; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Mehdi Kargar

Volume 3, Issue 7 , July 2013, , Pages 1-7

  Introduction and Aims: Diabetes is one of the chronic and prevalent diseases in the world.Diabetic patients’ number has increased 7 times during last 20 years. If this current ...  Read More