. Shahla Momeni Danaei; . Elham Mazareie; . Sahar Hosseininezhad; . Mahsa Nili
Volume 5, Issue 5 , December 2015, , Pages 1-7
Introduction: Assessment of students’ perspective is an essential element in effective educationalquality evaluation. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, it leads to improvement ...
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Introduction: Assessment of students’ perspective is an essential element in effective educationalquality evaluation. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, it leads to improvement in futureperformance. Methods: This cross‑sectional study was performed through a questionnairecomprising 23 questions. Reliability was assessed using α‑Chronbach (α =0.87), and validitywas confirmed by a group of five experts. Tukey test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and twosample t‑tests were used for data analysis. Results: A total of 168 answered questionnaireswere entered in our study. Maximum satisfaction in most items was shown in removableprosthodontics and orthodontics departments whereas oral surgery and comprehensivetreatment departments acquired the least scores. In all departments, personnels’ respectfulattitude had the highest score whereas minimum grade was given to stressful workloadand overall satisfaction in each department. In comparison with a similar study, conducted3 years ago, level of satisfaction was raised for orthodontics and removable prosthodonticsdepartments though it was declined for the pediatrics department. Conclusion: The specialcadre of clinical instructors comprising both experienced and young members is consideredas an important factor leading to high student satisfaction in the orthodontics department.Promotion of a removable prosthodontics department is related to the high relevance betweenthe implemented educational program and the curriculum. The moderate performance of oralsurgery and restorative departments is indicative of the need for more attention from ministryauthorities to major dental departments such as oral surgery, endodontic, restorative andperiodontics, in order to increase the students’ scientific capability in these fields.