Background: Admission includes written and interview at universities belonging to theministry of the health and medical education of Iran at PhD level. In the present work, itwas tried ...
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Background: Admission includes written and interview at universities belonging to theministry of the health and medical education of Iran at PhD level. In the present work, itwas tried to find out the likelihood of interview performance of different candidates withtheir teaching experience in Iranian national medical PhD admission in the year 1386‑87.Methods and Materials: In this study, applicants’ exam results were extracted from their scoreworkbooks for year 86‑87. PhD applicants’ categories were public (ordinary) and employedlecturers. Invited numbers of candidates for interview were 556 from 29 different fields of study.As the number of written subjects were not the same within different fields of study, at thefirst, each group score distribution were normalized to one and then combined together forfinal consideration. Results: Accept and reject percentage within public applicants were 45.1and 54.9, respectively, while the accept percentage within lecturer applicants was 66 and thereject was 34 respectively. Scores of all 29 groups were combined after normalization. Theoverall performance including test plus interview for public and lecturers were 1.02 ± 0.12and 0.95 ± 0.1, respectively. The average and standard deviation of test exam of public andlecturer were 1.04 ± 0.16 and 0.91 ± 0.12, respectively. The average and standard deviation ofinterview exam of public applicants and lecturers applicants were 0.98 ± 0.18 and 1.04 ± 0.17,respectively. Conclusion: As results show, the interview performance of lecturers is betterthan public applicants. Unbalanced acceptance rate amongst lecturers was increased due tothe hold of reservation toward interview and due to their higher results gain during interview.If the test performance was a reliable measure for viability of applicant, this reservation wouldchange the acceptance rate close to balance.