Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
A modified Delphi study to identify strategies to promote health literacy in parents of children with cancer
A modified Delphi study to identify strategies to promote health literacy in parents of children with cancer

. Somaye Sayahi; . Masoud Bahrami; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Alireza Moafi

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Parents play a key role in the care, monitoring, management of symptomsexperienced in children with cancer, the support, and follow‑up of treatment. However, there is ...  Read More
The social‑cognitive determinants of calcium intake for preventing osteoporosis in women in Isfahan: A cross‑sectional study using path analysis
The social‑cognitive determinants of calcium intake for preventing osteoporosis in women in Isfahan: A cross‑sectional study using path analysis

. Mahin Nematollahi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami

Volume 11, Issue 11 , December 2021, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a common disease in women over age 45 years.Calcium intake is among the factors that help prevent osteoporosis. Identifying the social‑cognitivedeterminants ...  Read More
Stress as a challenge in promoting mental health among dementia caregivers
Stress as a challenge in promoting mental health among dementia caregivers

. Shakiba Zahed; . Maryam Emami; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Majid Barekatain; . Akbar Hassanzadeh; . Fereshteh Zamani‑Alavijeh

Volume 10, Issue 3 , March 2020, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Caregiver stress is harmful to the health of both caregivers and people living withAlzheimer’s disease or other dementias. The present study was conducted to assess ...  Read More
Psychological profiles of risk for antenatal depression and anxiety in Iranian sociocultural context
Psychological profiles of risk for antenatal depression and anxiety in Iranian sociocultural context

. Zahra Alipour; . Gholam Reza Kheirabadi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Ashraf Kazemi

Volume 8, Issue 12 , December 2018, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND AND AIM: Mental health issues including depression and anxiety are commonin pregnancy worldwide. This study aimed to identify factors associated with mental disorders in ...  Read More
Hospitals reorientation towards health promotion: A qualitative study of barriers to and strategies for implementation of health promotion in hospitals of Isfahan, Iran
Hospitals reorientation towards health promotion: A qualitative study of barriers to and strategies for implementation of health promotion in hospitals of Isfahan, Iran

. Atefeh Afshari; . Firoozeh Mostafavi; . Arman Latifi; . Leila Ahmadi Ghahnaviyeh; . Maryam Pirouzi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami

Volume 8, Issue 6 , June 2018, , Pages 1-8

  CONTEXT: The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the need for reorientation ofhospitals toward health promotion (HP).AIMS: This study explores health‑care professionals’ ...  Read More
Evaluation of a school‑based educational program to prevent adolescents’ problem behaviors
Evaluation of a school‑based educational program to prevent adolescents’ problem behaviors

. Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Fazlollah Ghofranipour; . Bagher Ghobari Bonab; . Davood Shojaei Zadeh; . Farkhondeh Amin Shokravi; . Mahmoud Ghazi Tabatabaie

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 1-7

  Background: Many researchers believe that adolescents’ problem behaviors are indicators ofa deficiency in social skills. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ...  Read More
Factors related to adopting healthy behaviors by patients with tuberculosis in Isfahan: Application of health belief model
Factors related to adopting healthy behaviors by patients with tuberculosis in Isfahan: Application of health belief model

. Maryam Johari; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Hamid Alahverdipoor; . Akbar Hasanzade; . Fariba Farid

Volume 4, Issue 4 , August 2014, , Pages 1-5

  Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosiscomplex. It is one of the most common infectious diseases largely resulting from the patient’s ...  Read More
The relationship between emotional intelligence health and marital satisfaction: A comparative study
The relationship between emotional intelligence health and marital satisfaction: A comparative study

. Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Akbar Hasanzadeh; . Farid Jamshidi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2014, , Pages 1-6

  Introduction: Marriage is known as the most important incident in everyone’s life after birth. Themost important purpose of marriage is achieving a life followed with love and ...  Read More
The mental health and substance abuse among youths aged 18 to 29: A comparative study
The mental health and substance abuse among youths aged 18 to 29: A comparative study

. Mostafa Nasirzadeh; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Akbar Hasanzadeh

Volume 3, Issue 7 , July 2013, , Pages 1-4

  Introduction: Drug abuse, as a social phenomenon, is one of the health problems ofthe present era. Inclination to drug abuse like other social phenomena is complex andmulti‑causal. ...  Read More
Knowledge and attitude toward menopause phenomenon among women aged 40–45 years
Knowledge and attitude toward menopause phenomenon among women aged 40–45 years

. Ensieh Noroozi; . Nayereh Kasiri Dolatabadi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Akbar Hassanzadeh; . Soheila Davari

Volume 3, Issue 5 , May 2013, , Pages 1-5

  Background: Appropriate understanding of women that certain physical, mental, social andpsychological changes occur during menopause helps them with greater readiness to cope withthese ...  Read More
The relationship between computer games and quality of life in adolescents
The relationship between computer games and quality of life in adolescents

. Nayereh Kasiri Dolatabadi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Firooze Mostafavi; . Akbar Hassanzade; . Azam Moradi

Volume 3, Issue 4 , April 2013, , Pages 1-5

  Background: Term of doing computer games among teenagers is growing rapidly. This popularphenomenon can cause physical and psychosocial issues in them. Therefore, this study examinedthe ...  Read More
Smoking behavior, nicotine dependency, and motivation to cessation among smokers in the preparation stage of change
Smoking behavior, nicotine dependency, and motivation to cessation among smokers in the preparation stage of change

. Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Abdorrahman Charkazi; . Firoozeh Mostafavi; . Hossein Shahnazi; . Mohammad Taghi Badeleh; . Gholam Reza Sharifirad

Volume 2, Issue 5 , December 2012, , Pages 1-4

  Objective: To investigate selected constructs of the transtheoretical model (TTM) of behaviorchange regarding smoking behavior among people in the preparation stage, as well asmotivation ...  Read More