Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Composition of minerals and trace elements at Mamasani thermal source: A possible preventive treatment for some skin diseases
Composition of minerals and trace elements at Mamasani thermal source: A possible preventive treatment for some skin diseases

. Nasrin Hamidizadeh; . Shima Simaeetabar; . Farhad Handjani; . Sara Ranjbar; . Mohammad Gohari Moghadam; . Mohammad Mahdi Parvizi

Volume 7, Issue 6 , December 2017, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Some skin diseases are incurable and modern medicine can only control them. Inaddition, alternative treatment remedies including balneotherapy can be effective in improving ...  Read More