. Nasrin Hamidizadeh; . Shima Simaeetabar; . Farhad Handjani; . Sara Ranjbar; . Mohammad Gohari Moghadam; . Mohammad Mahdi Parvizi
Volume 7, Issue 6 , December 2017, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: Some skin diseases are incurable and modern medicine can only control them. Inaddition, alternative treatment remedies including balneotherapy can be effective in improving ...
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INTRODUCTION: Some skin diseases are incurable and modern medicine can only control them. Inaddition, alternative treatment remedies including balneotherapy can be effective in improving skinconditions. However, there are only a limited number of studies on particular mineral or trace elementsof mineral sources that have been identified in Iran. In this respect, the amount of minerals and traceelements in Mamasani thermal source, Fars Province, Iran, was measured using electrochemical,titration, and spectrophotometric methods and evaluated.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The amount of minerals and trace elements in Mamasani thermalsource, Fars Province, Iran, was measured using electrochemical, titration, and spectrophotometricmethods.RESULTS: The concentrations of natural gases such as H2S and NO3 in Mamasani thermal sourcewere measured to be 22.10 mg/L and 42.79 mg/L, respectively. The source also contained majorions such as chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and carbonate. Due to thehigh concentration of chloride, sulfate, and sodium ions in comparison with other major ions, thewater source is also classified as sulfide water. The existing trace elements in this thermal watersource are iron, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt, chromium, boron, silisium, aluminum, magnesium,and molybdenum.CONCLUSION: We concluded that bathing in this source could be beneficial. As nitrate concentrationis close to the highest standard concentration for drinking water, it can be used in chronic dermatitis,psoriasis, burns, and allergy. Furthermore, the antibacterial and antifungal effects of sulfur‑containingwater in this source can be helpful in the treatment of leg ulcers, tinea versicolor, tinea corporis,and tinea capitis.