. Navid Omidifar; . Ali Keshtkari; . Mohammadreza Dehghani; . Mansoureh Shokripour
Volume 7, Issue 5 , September and October 2017, , Pages 1-5
OBJECTIVES: Teaching of clinical pathology to medical students has been ignored in many countriessuch as Iran. We aim to introduce a practical brief course and its proper timing.MATERIALS ...
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OBJECTIVES: Teaching of clinical pathology to medical students has been ignored in many countriessuch as Iran. We aim to introduce a practical brief course and its proper timing.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three groups of medical students from consecutive years of entrancepassed a 1.5 working day practical course on the field. Their level of knowledge was assessed bypre‑ and post‑tests. Their idea and satisfaction were gathered by questionnaires.RESULTS: Knowledge of students became significantly higher after the course. Their satisfactionwas high. Students in later year of education got significantly higher marks. Most of the studentswished such a course should be away from basic sciences period and as near as possible tointernship.DISCUSSION: Due to overloaded curriculum of general medicine in Iran, we decided to run a briefpractical course of laboratory medicine education for medical students. Although the course waspractical, the knowledge of students became higher. Students with more clinical experience andknowledge absorbed more. Being actively involved in the classes lit the enthusiasm of students andmade them satisfied with the course. It seemed that the course should be placed in later years ofclinical training to get the best uptake and results.