. Maryam Gheidanzadeh; . Zahra Baghersad; . Parvaneh Abazari
Volume 7, Issue 4 , July and August 2017, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: Clinical education provides a chance to combine theoretical knowledge and clinicalskills. Students are the key elements in the evaluation of clinical education efficacy. ...
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BACKGROUND: Clinical education provides a chance to combine theoretical knowledge and clinicalskills. Students are the key elements in the evaluation of clinical education efficacy. The presentstudy was aimed to define nursing students’ viewpoints concerning conformity to the characteristicsof clinical conference and clinical round.METHODS: This descriptive analytical study was conducted on the bachelor’s students of the 4th–6thsemester of nursing. Sampling was conducted using census sampling method during the 2nd semesterof 2014–2015 school year. Data collection tool was a three‑section researcher‑made questionnairecontaining demographic, nursing round, and clinical conference characteristics. Descriptive andinferential statistical tests (independent t‑test, ANOVA, and Spearman and Pearson correlationcoefficients) were used for data analysis.RESULTS: Participants were 134 bachelor’s students of the 4th–6th semester of nursing. Accordingto half of the participants, conformity to the characteristics of clinical conference (45.5%, 53%) andclinical round (44%, 51.5%) were poor and medium, respectively. Paired t‑test showed a significantdifference between students’ viewpoints toward the planning of clinical conference and clinicalnursing round (P = 0.006, t = 2.77).CONCLUSIONS: According to the results of the present study on students’ viewpoints, clinicaleducation faces a serious challenge with regard to clinical education methods. Considering thenecessity and importance of clinical education, more investigation should be conducted to detect itsrelevant factors and plan for its improvement.