. Arumugam Mariappan Veerakumar; . Sitanshu Sekhar Kar
Volume 7, Issue 2 , May and June 2017, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: Awareness regarding cancer signs and symptoms and their screening and treatmentmethod was low in India.OBJECTIVES: To assess the awareness level of common cancers, perception ...
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BACKGROUND: Awareness regarding cancer signs and symptoms and their screening and treatmentmethod was low in India.OBJECTIVES: To assess the awareness level of common cancers, perception regarding preventionand treatment of common cancers, association between sociodemographic variables with theawareness level of common cancers in the adult population.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was conducted among 299 adults from thefield practice areas of Our Rural Health Centre, Puducherry, during April–May 2014. Using systematicrandom sampling, 299 adults were interviewed through a pretested semi‑structured questionnaire.Data were entered into EpiData version 3.1 and were analyzed by Statistical Package for SocialSciences version 20. Chi‑square test was used.RESULTS: Nearly, 64% were in the age group of ≥40 years, the majorities werefemales (56.2%) and 64% were in lower socioeconomic class. Symptoms reported majoritieswere unusual bleeding (41.6%), followed by nagging cough (34.1%). Risk factors reportedmajorities were smoking (65%), chewing tobacco (59%) followed by alcohol use (46.5%).Only 10% reported cancer could be diagnosed early and 27% perceived cancer could bepreventable. Only 6% perceived cancer could be cured fully. The adequate awareness levelregarding lung and oral cancer were 14%, but breast and cervical cancer were <5%. Theyounger age group (<40 years) had more adequate awareness level compared to age group≥40 years (P < 0.05).CONCLUSION: The awareness level of common cancers was very poor. Vigorous health educationprogram should improve the status of early diagnosis and proper treatment for common cancerssuch as oral, breast, and cervical cancer.