Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The impact of the customer relationship management on organizational productivity, customer trust and satisfaction by using the structural equation model: A study in the Iranian hospitals
The impact of the customer relationship management on organizational productivity, customer trust and satisfaction by using the structural equation model: A study in the Iranian hospitals

. Maryam Yaghoubi; . Hamed Asgari; . Marzieh Javadi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , March and April 2017, , Pages 1-5

  Context: One of the challenges in the fiercely competitive space of health organizations isresponding to customers and building trust and satisfaction in them in the shortest time, ...  Read More
Investigating selected patient safety indicators using medical records data
Investigating selected patient safety indicators using medical records data

. Hedayatalah Asgari; . Sakineh Saghaeiannejad Esfahani; . Maryam Yaghoubi; . Marzieh Javadi; . Saeed Karimi

Volume 5, Issue 4 , August 2015, , Pages 1-6

  Introduction: Medical errors in hospitals kill more people every year than AIDS, breast cancer andauto accidents combined. Widespread consensus exists that health care organizations ...  Read More
Study of relationship between the organizational structure and market orientation from the viewpoint of nurse managers
Study of relationship between the organizational structure and market orientation from the viewpoint of nurse managers

. Mohammadkarim Bahadori; . Maryam Yaghoubi; . Marzieh Javadi; . Zahreh Agha Rahimi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 1-4

  Background: Considering globalization of health care and quality improvement trend torespond to competition and customer orientation, attention to organizational structureand its relationship ...  Read More
A study of determining factors affecting the performance of nurses based on the achieve model in selected hospital of Isfahan (Iran)
A study of determining factors affecting the performance of nurses based on the achieve model in selected hospital of Isfahan (Iran)

. Maryam Yaghoubi; . Marzieh Javadi; . Fariba Rakhsh; . Mohamadkarim Bahadori

Volume 3, Issue 9 , September 2013, , Pages 1-5

  Background: The achieve uses 7 variables: ability; clarity; help; incentive; evaluation; validity;and environment, to provide leaders and staffs with the necessary tools to improve ...  Read More
Health promoting Hospitals in Iran: How it is
Health promoting Hospitals in Iran: How it is

. Maryam Yaghoubi; . Marzieh Javadi

Volume 3, Issue 7 , July 2013, , Pages 1-5

  Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) produced the Ottawa Charter for HealthPromotion (HPH) back in 1986. Then expressed the Budapest Declaration of Health PromotingHospitals ...  Read More