Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Factors affecting the health literacy status of patients with type 2 diabetes through demographic variables: A cross‑sectional study
Factors affecting the health literacy status of patients with type 2 diabetes through demographic variables: A cross‑sectional study

. Arash Ziapour; . Farbod Ebadi Fard Azar; . Behzad Mahaki; . Morteza Mansourian

Volume 12, Issue 8 , September 2022, , Pages 1-10

  BACKGROUND: Health literacy (HL) is the ability of a person to acquire the process, understand thenecessary health information, and make the health services needed for conscious health ...  Read More
Disordered eating: The psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Eating Attitudes Test‑8
Disordered eating: The psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Eating Attitudes Test‑8

. Esmaeil Mousavi Asl; . Sajjad Khanjani; . Behzad Mahaki; . Youkhabeh Mohammadian

Volume 10, Issue 11 , November 2020, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Disordered eating attitude may lead to full‑blown eating disorders. Recentlongitudinal studies show that disordered eating attitudes either remain stable or even increase ...  Read More
Evaluating combined effect of noise and heat on blood pressure changes among males in climatic chamber
Evaluating combined effect of noise and heat on blood pressure changes among males in climatic chamber

. Habibollah Dehghan; . Mohamad Taghi Bastami; . Behzad Mahaki

Volume 7, Issue 2 , May and June 2017, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Exposure to noise and heat causes individuals to experience some changes inthe function of cardiovascular system in workplaces. This study aimed to find the combined effectof ...  Read More
Job demand‑control and job stress at work: A cross‑sectional study among prison staff
Job demand‑control and job stress at work: A cross‑sectional study among prison staff

. Jafar Akbari; . Rouhollah Akbari; . Mahnaz Shakerian; . Behzad Mahaki

Volume 7, Issue 1 , March and April 2017, , Pages 1-7

  Introduction: Job stress can impose significant costs to the workplaces and organizationsdue to some issues such as absenteeism, less productivity, and medical costs. Job overloadand ...  Read More
Performance evaluation of Iranian cooling vest on the physiological indices in hot climatic chamber
Performance evaluation of Iranian cooling vest on the physiological indices in hot climatic chamber

. Habibollah Dehghan; . Somayeh Gharehbaei; . Behzad Mahaki

Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2016, , Pages 1-6

  Background: Heat stress is a threat to those who work in high temperatures. The purpose inthis study was an examination of the cooling ability of Iranian phase change material (PCM)cold ...  Read More
The barriers to the application of the research findings from the nurses’ perspective: A case study in a teaching hospital
The barriers to the application of the research findings from the nurses’ perspective: A case study in a teaching hospital

. Mohammadkarim Bahadori; . Mehdi Raadabadi; . Ramin Ravangard; . Behzad Mahaki

Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2016, , Pages 1-7

  Background: The application of the nursing research findings is one of the most importantindicators of development in the nursing profession, which leads to providing efficient andeffective ...  Read More
Applying and comparing empirical and full Bayesian models in study of evaluating relative risk of suicide among counties of Ilam province
Applying and comparing empirical and full Bayesian models in study of evaluating relative risk of suicide among counties of Ilam province

. Behzad Mahaki; . Yadollah Mehrabi; . Amir Kavousi; . Youkhabeh Mohammadian; . Mehdi Kargar

Volume 5, Issue 4 , August 2015, , Pages 1-9

  Introduction: Disease mapping includes a set of statistical techniques that provides maps based on estimates of diseases rates. Bayesian ones are the most important models in this ...  Read More
The relationship between blood pressure and the structures of Pender’s health promotion model in rural hypertensive patients
The relationship between blood pressure and the structures of Pender’s health promotion model in rural hypertensive patients

. Aziz Kamran; . Leila Azadbakht; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Behzad Mahaki; . Siamak Mohebi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 1-8

  Introduction and Objective: Perception is the most important predictor of behavior andthere is a strong relation and correlation between behavior and believes. Thus, to improveself‑care ...  Read More
Psychometric testing of an instrument designed to measure nutritional perceptions of hypertensive patients
Psychometric testing of an instrument designed to measure nutritional perceptions of hypertensive patients

. Aziz Kamran; . Leila Azadbakht; . Behzad Mahaki; . Gholamreza Sharifirad

Volume 4, Issue 4 , August 2014, , Pages 1-8

  Introduction: Measurement tools designed to ensure the achievements of studies’ objectivesmust be evaluated. Based on the health promotion model (HPM), the present study wasconducted ...  Read More
Effects of work-related stress on work ability index among refinery workers
Effects of work-related stress on work ability index among refinery workers

. Ehsanollah Habibi; . Habibollah Dehghan; . Shahram Safari; . Behzad Mahaki; . Akbar Hassanzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2014, , Pages 1-5

  Introduction: Work-related stress is one of the basic problems in industrial also top10 work-related health problems and it is increasingly implicated in the development a numberof ...  Read More