Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Investigating the relationship between attitudes toward fertility and childbearing and the value of children with attitudes toward fertility control in married women aged 15‑45 in Isfahan
Investigating the relationship between attitudes toward fertility and childbearing and the value of children with attitudes toward fertility control in married women aged 15‑45 in Isfahan

. Shahnaz Kohan; . Mahboobe Gholami; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi

Volume 12, Issue 11 , December 2022, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: The family is one of the important social institutions and the function of childbearingis one of the important functions of the family. The decision to have children depends ...  Read More
Determining the frequency of Candida species in women with candidal vaginal infection frequency of Candida species in women with candida vaginal infection
Determining the frequency of Candida species in women with candidal vaginal infection frequency of Candida species in women with candida vaginal infection

. Mahin Tafazoli; . Mahboobe Gholami; . Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Zahra Kamali

Volume 11, Issue 11 , December 2021, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Candidiasis vaginitis is an opportunistic and common mucosal infection. AlthoughCandida albicans is the most common isolated species, other species of Candida such as Candidaglabrata, ...  Read More
Investigating the relationship between the dimensions of mindfulness and maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy
Investigating the relationship between the dimensions of mindfulness and maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy

. Nahid Golmakani; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Zohre Ahmadi; . Mahboobe Gholami; . Zahra Kamali; . Zahra Mohebbi‑Dehnavi

Volume 11, Issue 10 , November 2021, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Maternal attachment to the fetus is a term used to describe the emotional relationshipbetween mother and fetus. This emotional connection increases during pregnancy and ...  Read More
Investigating the relationship between social support and self‑compassion by improving the adequacy of prenatal care
Investigating the relationship between social support and self‑compassion by improving the adequacy of prenatal care

. Nahid Golmakani; . Raziyeh Rahmati; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Hadise Safinejad; . Zahra Kamali; . Zahra Mohebbi‑Dehnavi

Volume 10, Issue 12 , December 2020, , Pages 1-7

  INTRODUCTION: Getting pregnant care is different due to the psychological problems of pregnantmothers. Self‑compassion and social support are the important components of mental health.Women ...  Read More
Relationship between fear of childbirth and the sense of cohesion with the attachment of pregnant mothers to the fetus
Relationship between fear of childbirth and the sense of cohesion with the attachment of pregnant mothers to the fetus

. Nahid Golmakani; . Mahboobeh Gholami; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Hadise Safinejad; . Zahra Kamali; . Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi

Volume 10, Issue 10 , October 2020, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Maternal–fetal attachment is a term used to describe the emotional relationship thata pregnant woman has with her developing fetus. Mental care for pregnant women ...  Read More
The relationship between hope and happiness with prenatal care
The relationship between hope and happiness with prenatal care

. Elham Sadat Hoseini; . Raziyeh Rahmati; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Marjan Beigi; . Zahra Mohebbi‑Dehnavi

Volume 10, Issue 8 , August 2020, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Prenatal care refers to proper and principled implementation aimed at maintaininga healthy pregnancy in terms of physical health and favorable psychological outcomes for ...  Read More
Urine analysis with dipstick test in asymptomatic 7‑year‑old children
Urine analysis with dipstick test in asymptomatic 7‑year‑old children

. Farahnaz Kamyab; . Mahboobe Gholami; . Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Mohammad Bidkhori; . Zahra Kamali

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 1-5

  INTRODUCTION: The incidence of renal failure in children is increasing worldwide, and most renaldiseases do not show clinical symptoms for the patient. Moreover, given the importance ...  Read More
Effect of positive psychology interventions on psychological well‑being of midwives: A randomized clinical trial
Effect of positive psychology interventions on psychological well‑being of midwives: A randomized clinical trial

. Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Zahra Abedian; . Mohammad Forouhar; . Habibollah Esmaily; . Elnaz Eskandarnia

Volume 9, Issue 8 , August 2019, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: The psychological well‑being of midwives is very important in the context of providinghealth services to two vulnerable groups of society, namely, mothers and infants. ...  Read More