. Janani Sivaramalingam; . Kalai Selvi Rajendiran; . Monisha Mohan; . K. S. Premlal; . Santosh Kumar Yadhav; . D. V. Satyamurthy G; . Surendar Rangasamy; . M. Diravyaseelan; . Lendiwabang Jamir; . Durgesh Kumar Umaraj Pandey; . Surapaneni Krishna Mohan; . Ananda Vayaravel Cassinadane
Volume 12, Issue 7 , August 2022, , Pages 1-9
BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 pandemic lockdown has brought all sectors to be dwindled withno exception of the academic system. Even professional courses like medical and allied healthacademic ...
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BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 pandemic lockdown has brought all sectors to be dwindled withno exception of the academic system. Even professional courses like medical and allied healthacademic courses were also not spared. The academic requirements were not met as required todo so. Webinar has become a good source of virtual platform acting as a bridge for attaining thegaps in accomplishing the curriculum to the students during these curfew times. Our study aimedto know the value of webinars on teaching–learning processes among the medical and allied healthscience students in India.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study design is a cross‑sectional study with 2084 studentswho attended at least one webinar. An online survey questionnaire was sent, and the data werecollected on participant’s perspective on the effectiveness of webinar, post webinar assessmentby their satisfactory level of gain of information through webinars and their plan to apply in future.RESULTS: Participant’s perspective on effectiveness of webinar showed 66.7% of agreement withthe webinar use. In post webinar assessment, the use of webinar was in agreement with 69.9% of theparticipants. Furthermore, we observed a significant association with the gain of information in postwebinar assessment (P < 0.05) and a significant association with their plan to apply in future (P < 0.05).CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the students were satisfied with the webinar teaching andacknowledged it to be an effective tool in the teaching–learning process to gain new knowledge andwish to attend webinars in future as a part of their curriculum. Thus, webinars have a constructiveeffect in the teaching and learning process in professional courses during pandemic lockdown.