. Dilek Baykal; . Leman Kutlu; . Burcu D. Demir
Volume 12, Issue 7 , August 2022, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: Nursing students have a role in the awareness of risk factors in the developmentof healthy lifestyle behaviors. Nursing students’ awareness of disease risk factors ...
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BACKGROUND: Nursing students have a role in the awareness of risk factors in the developmentof healthy lifestyle behaviors. Nursing students’ awareness of disease risk factors plays a role indeveloping healthy lifestyle behaviors. Therefore, it was aimed to determine the relationship betweenthe effect of nursing students’ healthy lifestyle behaviors and cardiovascular disease risk factors’knowledge levels and obsessive–compulsive symptoms.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross‑sectional study. Two hundred andtwenty‑four students studying in the nursing departments of two foundation universities participatedin the study between April and October 2020. Sociodemographic information form, Health PromotingLifestyle Profile II (HPLP‑II), Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Knowledge Level (CARRF‑KL),and Maudsley Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) were applied to the students.RESULTS: It was found that the nursing students’ healthy lifestyle behaviors (123.53 ± 25.78) andcardiovascular risk factors’ knowledge level (21.08 ±± 2.70) were high. Obsessive–compulsivesymptoms (16.12 ± 6.22) were moderate. In the correlation of sociodemographic characteristics, itwas found that age correlated with the nutrition subdimension of CARRF‑KL and HPLP‑II, incomelevel correlated with HPLP‑II, place of residence correlated with HPLP‑II, CARRF‑KL, and MOCI, andhaving a health problem correlated with health responsibility. Income status, place of residence, andpresence of health problems were found to be correlated with HPLP‑II in all subdimensions in theregression analysis. In the regression analysis of HPLP‑II with CARRF‑KL and MOCI scales, it wasfound that it was significantly related to interpersonal relations, spiritual growth, stress management,and total score dimensions.CONCLUSION: Healthy lifestyle behaviors of nursing students are related to cardiovascular riskfactors’ knowledge level and obsession symptoms. In addition, some demographic characteristicsaffect healthy lifestyle behaviors.