. Malek Jdaitawi; . Saja Alturki; . Samah Ramzy; . Walaa Saleh; . Sherin Mabrouk; . Rania Abdulgawad; . Heba Hasan
Volume 12, Issue 8 , September 2022, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: Augmented reality (AR) is capable of facilitating constructive learning through theprovision of a learner‑centered environment, making for more flexible learning and providing ...
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BACKGROUND: Augmented reality (AR) is capable of facilitating constructive learning through theprovision of a learner‑centered environment, making for more flexible learning and providing a moredistinct experience of learning. AR technology has a significant influence on the teaching approachprovided to students with learning disabilities, particularly on their level of self‑regulation, and thispremise is what motivated the present study.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research is a quasi‑experimental study that adopted a pre‑ andpost‑test control group design, involving 24 students who have disabilities. The students were dividedinto AR group and control group, and data were then exposed to the descriptive statistics and pairedsample t test.RESULTS: The results showed that AR technology has a significant effect on the enhancement ofthe self‑regulation of students with learning disabilities.CONCLUSION: The study indicated a significant effect of AR app on the self-regulation skillsof students. The study, therefore, encouraged decision academicians to implement technologyapproaches in the disability setting.