. Gautam Prasad Chaudhary; . Ram Bahadur Khadka; . Anjana Lamichhane; . Bhawana Dhakal; . Nikita Das; . Niraj Sing Tharu; . Khimdhoj Karki; . Jitendra Pandey
Volume 12, Issue 8 , September 2022, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: This study was designed to evaluate the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic onthe learning status of students from different educational boards and universities of Nepal. ...
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BACKGROUND: This study was designed to evaluate the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic onthe learning status of students from different educational boards and universities of Nepal. An onlinesurvey was conducted from tenth to twentieth of September 2020 to record the data.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A self‑designed questionnaire link, using “Google form” was sent tothe students via social networks. A total of 589 participants shared their complete information. Thesimple percentage distribution was employed to evaluate the learning status of the students.RESULTS: During the lockdown period, >70% of the students were engaged in online classes, mostcommonly by using the Zoom app. The majority of the students were using WIFI as an internet sourceto attend online classes. Students have been suffering from various problems related to anxiety,stress, economic crises, poor internet connectivity, deprivation of study materials, required e‑learningaccessories, and an unsuitable study environment. Mainly, students from remote areas and middleincome families suffered enormously. Among those participants, who were able to attend the onlineclasses, the majority of students (70%) were dissatisfied with the ongoing online classes. Only 23.3%of the participants suggested the feasibility of online classes in the near future.CONCLUSION: Our study recommended that training teachers and students about online classesmight create effectiveness toward e‑learning. The government needs to provide free internetservices to the remote areas and the poor students since in the current scenario, huge numbers ofthe population are struggling with the economic burden.