. Hajar Najafi; . Sedigheh Farzi; . Mohammad Javad Tarrahi; . Sima Babaei; . Ida Shekinah S; . Priyadharshini Chinnasamy; . Deepsheka K; . Venkatesan Singaram
Volume 12, Issue 5 , June 2022, , Pages 1-6
Pandemic 2019 is observed in all sectors of the world which had caused a huge disruption in theeducation system in India as well as worldwide adding challenges to student’s life. ...
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Pandemic 2019 is observed in all sectors of the world which had caused a huge disruption in theeducation system in India as well as worldwide adding challenges to student’s life. We aimed toprovide an outline on E‑Learning and the difficulties experienced by students of various colleges inthe southern parts of India and to conduct knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) analysis basedon student’s perception regarding E‑learning by collecting an online survey, 346 valid questionnaireswere retrieved. In order to evaluate the association between the variables of KAP, structural equationmodeling was used for data analysis. The influencing factors of KAP were observed to know theeffect of the pandemic on E‑learning from the model. The result finding moderately fit the collecteddata and reveals a good fit of the model in the means of satisfying the threshold values.