. Padmaja Gadiraju; . Ranjit Kumar Dehury; . Punam Singh; . C. Vanlalhruaii; . Parthsarathi Dehury; . Kadari Devaraju; . Sangita Behera
Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: The behavioral aspects of human beings influence the incidences of cancer casesdirectly and indirectly. The factors like positive thinking and motivation were found to change ...
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BACKGROUND: The behavioral aspects of human beings influence the incidences of cancer casesdirectly and indirectly. The factors like positive thinking and motivation were found to change thebehavior toward knowledge and awareness of cancer. The main objective of the study is to assessthe knowledge and awareness of select Indians about reproductive cancer.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The online survey method assessed various components ofknowledge and awareness about reproductive cancer. A Google Form has been distributed throughsocial media platforms such as e‑mail, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. The coded data hasbeen computed in SPSS (version 25) by IBM (USA) for the analysis. Univariate and bivariate dataanalysis has been drawn to justify the objective.RESULTS: Nearly 68 percent of the respondents were aware of reproductive cancer. Among them,17 percent know about cervical cancer, and 12.5 percent have awareness about breast cancer.Electronic and print media (41.2 percent) were major sources of information about reproductivecancer. Nearly 48 percent of respondents reported that multiple sexual partners and poor sexualhygiene were risk factors for reproductive cancer. Around 57 percent of respondents reportedreproductive cancer is preventable, 59 percent knew about cancer screening, and 63.5 percentknew the treatment process. The gender of the respondents was associated (p‑value = 0.002) withawareness of reproductive cancer. It has been found that there is a significant association betweenknowledge of screening tests and the treatment process of reproductive cancer. The marital statusof respondents is strongly associated (p‑value = 0.000) with the awareness of reproductive cancer.CONCLUSION: The factors like knowledge of reproductive cancer and awareness proceed asan important role in cancer prevention. A gender‑neutral cancer awareness program is needed toincrease cancer awareness irrespective of marital status.