. Deena Davis; . Lakshmi Ramamoorthy; . Biju Pottakkat
Volume 10, Issue 11 , November 2020, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: A person with colostomy or ileostomy undergoes a comprehensive treatmentwith a wide range of adjustments which affect the individual’s social and psychological functioning.Quality ...
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INTRODUCTION: A person with colostomy or ileostomy undergoes a comprehensive treatmentwith a wide range of adjustments which affect the individual’s social and psychological functioning.Quality of life (QOL) is a subjective feeling which includes physical, social, psychological, and spiritualdomains of an individual that can be affected by a stoma.AIM: This study is aimed at identifying the QOL and impact of stoma on their lifestyle pattern amongostomates attending stoma outpatient department of gastroenterology department of a governmenttertiary care center in South India during 2018.METHODS: A descriptive study using a cross‑sectional survey design was conducted among 55ostomates, following consecutive sampling technique. The data were collected using a City of HopeQOL Questionnaire for Ostomy patients which had QOL Assessment Questions from four subdomainsincluding physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. This tool also had open‑endedquestions on lifestyle assessment components.RESULTS: 63.6% of the participants had colostomy; 72.7% of the stomas were due to cancer. Themean QOL score of the participants was 4.13 ± 1.07. The ostomates scored relatively well in bothphysical (5.68 ± 1.76) and spiritual (4.32 ± 1.36) domains, but the sociological (2.85 ± 1.3) domain scorewas very low. Permanent ostomates scored significantly higher than the temporary ostomates (P = 0.04).CONCLUSION: The QOL score of ostomates was less than the scores reported in the Westernpopulation and living with stoma significantly alters their lifestyle. Therefore, follow‑up services andcounseling services to the ostomates by the health‑care professionals are needed.