. Farhad Bahramirad; . Narjes Heshmatifar; . Mostafa Rad
Volume 10, Issue 10 , October 2020, , Pages 1-8
INTRODUCTION: Recently, the night shift is included in the curriculum of nursing internship students.However, this shift is associated with some problems and benefits for students, ...
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INTRODUCTION: Recently, the night shift is included in the curriculum of nursing internship students.However, this shift is associated with some problems and benefits for students, which have beenassessed in limited studies. This study aimed to discover and describe the problems and benefitsof the night shift for nursing internship students.METHODOLOGY: This qualitative method was carried out with the conventional content–analysismethod. In total, 15 seventh‑semester and eighth‑semester nursing students at Sabzevar Universityof Medical Sciences, Iran, were selected by purposeful sampling. Data were collected using in‑depthsemi‑structured interviews about students’ perceptions of night shift problems and benefits. In addition,data analysis was performed applying the conventional content–analysis technique.RESULTS: In this study, seven main categories were extracted, five of which included problemssuch as exploitations, being an outsider, moral distress, learning deficits, and annoyance. The othertwo categories were benefits including gaining new experiences and independence.CONCLUSION: The problems related to the students were the nursing personnel and the educationalsystem of hospitals, which can be dealt with through the interaction of the educational system withhospitals managers in order to clarifying the role of students, fair division of work, and makingeducational resources available. Moreover, gaining new experiences and independence are amongthe benefits of the night shift for students, the continuation of which is in favor of nursing education.