. Nastaran Abbasi; . Mohammad Hossein Fallahzadeh; . Mitra Amini; . Simin Rezaee; . Alireza Goudarzi; . Ali Baseri
Volume 10, Issue 9 , September 2020, , Pages 1-11
INTRODUCTION: In order to improve outpatient education, it is necessary to carry out formativestandard evaluation to reveal the strengths and weaknesses to improve planning the quality ...
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INTRODUCTION: In order to improve outpatient education, it is necessary to carry out formativestandard evaluation to reveal the strengths and weaknesses to improve planning the quality of clinicaleducation. Due to numerous challenges in clinical education, the present study was conducted todetermine the extent to which outpatient education standards were achieved in the major departmentsof Shiraz Medical School.METHODS: In this quantitative combined, cross‑sectional and practical investigation in the academicyear 2018–2019, 178 interns who had passed the outpatient education in the four major wards (internalmedicine, pediatrics, gynecology, and surgery) in Shiraz Medical School were randomly selected.A 26‑item researcher‑made questionnaire, based on the Handbook of the Ministry of ClinicalEducation (Outpatient Education) for Health and Medical Education’s Criteria and indicators, wasused in three areas of preparation, timing and implementation; and the psychometric propertiesof the questionnaire were determined. For quantitative data analysis, SPSS version 22 was used.Furthermore, we performed a qualitative study through semi‑structured interviews with 16 internsand analyzed the data using MAXQDA 10 software.RESULTS: The results of the quantitative study showed that 8.4% of interns evaluated the programas poor, 66.3% moderate, and 25.3% good. The qualitative study showed that number and diversityof patients, instructor’s educational model, and number of interns had a significant role.CONCLUSION: Although the outpatient teaching in the four major departments of Shiraz MedicalSchool was evaluated relatively acceptable, it is far from the ideal point and need to be improved.