. Mahtab Firooznia; . Amir Hamta; . Sareh Shakerian
Volume 10, Issue 8 , August 2020, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: Assessing the effectiveness of in‑service training courses in order to achievethe desired goals and reduce the waste of costs and opportunities in the system is necessary. ...
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BACKGROUND: Assessing the effectiveness of in‑service training courses in order to achievethe desired goals and reduce the waste of costs and opportunities in the system is necessary. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the “pharmacopeia home health” courseconsidering its importance in different aspects using the Kirkpatrick model.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was a quasi‑experimental conducted at communityhealth workers (CHWs) on three levels of reaction, learning, and behavior. In each phase, a validquestionnaire was used to measure the outcome according to the Ministry of Health guidelines withpretest and posttest measurements. The data were analyzed through SPSS 23, using descriptivestatistics and repeated measures test and general linear model.RESULTS: The results of the study showed that at the level of reaction in terms of content andholding, conditions of implementation were favorable. Findings at the level of learning showedthat the training course was only effective in enhancing the knowledge and awareness about drugmaintenance and had no significant effect on other areas. In the third level, the results of the CHWs’performance showed that in some areas, the results were influenced by the demographic variables.CONCLUSION: The present study showed the effectiveness of education in different areas usingon the Kirkpatrick model. Given the lack of impact of education in some areas in the present studyand on the other, it is necessary to consider cooperative learning methods in order to develop theeffectiveness of the courses.