. Yahya Safari; . Alireza Khatony; . Ehsan Khodamoradi; . Mansour Rezaei
Volume 10, Issue 7 , July 2020, , Pages 1-8
INTRODUCTION: Professionalism and medical ethics are a vital quality for doctors, which has beentaken into account seriously in recent years. Perception of the factors affecting professionalism ...
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INTRODUCTION: Professionalism and medical ethics are a vital quality for doctors, which has beentaken into account seriously in recent years. Perception of the factors affecting professionalism mayhelp develop more efficient approaches to promote this quality in medical education. This studywas aimed to explain the role of hidden curriculum in the formation of professional ethics in Iranianmedical students.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study was performed on 15 medical interns ofKermanshah University of Medical Sciences in 2019, using grounded theory. Sampling was started bypurposive sampling and continued through theoretical sampling until complete data saturation. Datacollection and analysis were done simultaneously. Data were interpreted by a constant comparativemethod according to Strauss and Corbin’s approach.RESULTS: The analysis of the participants’ interviews and reduction of findings using commonthemes yielded one class and four categories as well as a number of concepts as the role of hiddencurriculum in the formation of professional ethics in medical students. The categories included the roleof modeling in the formation of professional ethics, role of education in the formation of professionalethics, role of environmental factors in the formation of professional ethics, and role of personal andinherent attributes in the formation of professional ethics.CONCLUSION: Curriculum developers and medical education authorities need to proceed in line withthe findings of the present study to provide a proper learning environment, in which the modeling,learning, and teaching conditions and supportive environmental atmosphere are taken into accountin accordance with the inherent and individual characteristics of the learners in order to guaranteethe formation of professional ethics in medical students.