. Nafiseh Ghassab‑Abdollahi; . Seyed Kazem Shakouri; . Alireza Taheri Aghdam; . Ali Farshbaf‑Khalili; . Somayeh Abdolalipour; . Azizeh Farshbaf‑Khalili
Volume 10, Issue 6 , June 2020, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: Medical students face a variety of challenges during their years of medical educationthat can affect their quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to investigate the association ...
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BACKGROUND: Medical students face a variety of challenges during their years of medical educationthat can affect their quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to investigate the association of QOLwith physical activity (PA), depression, and demographic characteristics, as well as to determine itspredictors among medical students in different stages of education.METHODS: A cross‑sectional descriptive‑correlational study was conducted on 186 medical studentsof Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in different educational stages including basic sciences,physiopathology, externship, and internship using stratified random sampling method. Data werecollected using demographic questionnaire, International PA Questionnaire, World Health OrganizationQOL Questionnaire, and Beck depression inventory‑2. Data analysis was performed using SPSS/Ver 23through descriptive and analytic statistics including one‑way analysis of variance, independent t‑test,Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient, and multivariate linear regression model.RESULTS: There were significant differences in total score of QOL among students in differentstages (P < 0.05). There were indirect significant correlations between total score of QOL (β [confidenceinterval 95%]:−0.85 [−1.11–−0.59]) and its all subdomains with Beck depression score but directsignificant correlations with total PA (P < 0.05) except for social relationship. Educational stage,employment status, family income, inhabitant, moderate PA, and depression were the predictors ofQOL and altogether explained 63% of its variance.CONCLUSIONS: To pay attention to the predictors of QOL, life among medical students seemsnecessary for increasing their QOL to provide high‑quality care for people with disabilities as wellas for the whole community.