. Maliheh Abootalebi; . Mansoureh Dehghani; . Marzieh Akbarzadeh
Volume 10, Issue 6 , June 2020, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Mental health is one of the major determinants of a person’s health which hasa significant impact on the quality of life. Implementing of mental health training programs ...
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BACKGROUND: Mental health is one of the major determinants of a person’s health which hasa significant impact on the quality of life. Implementing of mental health training programs forpromotion of health affected teenage girls to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in Shiraz, southernIran: a community‑based study.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is randomized controlled trial done on 100 teenage girlsaffected to PMS in Shiraz‑Iran (selected from400 girls). Multistage cluster sampling method wasused f or sampling. In the intervention group, six training sessions were held twice a week for 2 h.For data collection, Standard Goldberg Mental Health Questionnaire‑28 and Premenstrual SymptomsScreening Tool were used. For data analysis, independent t‑test and Chi‑square statistics were usedat significant level of 0.05.RESULTS: The average age was (16.56 ± 0.92) and (16.24 ± 1.45) in the intervention and controlgroups, respectively. The average intensity of physical complaints, level of anxiety and sleep disorder,level of social functions disorders and depression were significantly lower in the group of trainingclasses than control group (P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Appropriate training‑care programs are effective in reducing stress and improvingmental health, prevention and treatment of mental disorders, emotional growth, and developmentof communication skills among female students with premenstrual syndrome.