. Nikita Das†; . Gautam P. Chaudhary†; . Sima Yadav; . Usha Yadav; . Asha K. Yadav; . Sabina Chaudhary; . Jitendra Pandey
Volume 13, Issue 2 , February 2023, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: E‑learning is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. Althoughe‑learning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through computers, ...
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BACKGROUND: E‑learning is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. Althoughe‑learning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through computers, tablets, and evencellular phones those are connected to the Internet. This makes it easy for users to learn anytime,anywhere, with few, if any restrictions.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was done, and data was obtained throughan online survey method from September 14, 2020 to October 08, 2020. Questions were created in“Google Forms.” The targeted population was all nursing students from all over Nepal. There werea total of 365 respondents. A pilot study was done on 10 students. After the pilot study, the samequestion was distributed to all the respondents.RESULTS: Almost half (40.8%) got disturbed in their online class because of electricity; around half ofthe respondents (41.9%) are disturbed in their online class because of Internet problems. Moreover,around half of the respondents (44.4%) use the data pack daily, and 38.6% use the data sometimes.CONCLUSION: The study concludes that most students suffered from Internet disturbance andelectricity problems during online classes. Because of electricity and Internet problems, most studentsfeel anxious during class, and most of the students are not able to attend classes. Most studentsare compelled to use data packs for online classes. However, the course may not be completed ifthe problems arising during online classes are not solved.