. Leila Sadati; . Mehran Nafar; . Sahar Karami; . Mohamad Reza Yazdani; . Zahra Nouri Khaneghah
Volume 11, Issue 11 , December 2021, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: M‑learning is “learning across multiple contexts, through social and contentinteractions, using simple hand‑held technologies, wireless and mobile network. This ...
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BACKGROUND: M‑learning is “learning across multiple contexts, through social and contentinteractions, using simple hand‑held technologies, wireless and mobile network. This personalelectronic device is a way to facilitate the transfer of learning and improve teaching. Hence, theresearchers decided to design a mobile‑based learning application to teach surgical instrumentscomprehensively and compare students’ learning and satisfaction in both mobile‑based learningand flashcards methods.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An interventional study was conducted on surgical technologiststudents in Alborz University of medical science (2019). Students were divided into two groups:flashcards (n = 21) and mobile application learning group (n = 21). The difference of pre‑ and post‑testscores was considered for the evaluation of learning level in two groups. Data were entered into SPSS20.0 software and analyzed by statistics tests.Data were analyzed by a paired t‑test, independentt‑test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.RESULTS: There was no significant difference in students’ knowledge level between two groupsbefore intervention (P = 0.87) but there was significant difference between groups after theintervention (P = 0.003). In the evaluation of student’s satisfaction, the mobile application waspreferred by 84.28% of students.CONCLUSION: Given the effectiveness of using both methods (flashcards and mobile application),it is recommended that these methods especially mobile application be used for surgical instrumentseducation.