. Ashok Kumar; . Nipin Kalal; . Nimarta Rana; . Himanshu Vyas; . Vikas Choudhary; . Raj Rani
Volume 11, Issue 10 , November 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: The nationwide coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic and ensuing lockdown hasenforced institutions crosswise India to provisionally close to inhibit the spread of the virus ...
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BACKGROUND: The nationwide coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic and ensuing lockdown hasenforced institutions crosswise India to provisionally close to inhibit the spread of the virus andstarted online learning for students. To measure the level of satisfaction of nursing students withonline learning and to identify the barriers which restrict to online learning.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The current study adopted quantitative research approach with anonline survey research design and carried out during May–June 2020. Participants were selectedthrough a web‑based survey (Google form), in which 219 students enrolled. Self‑structuredquestionnaire with the Likert scale was used to measure the level of satisfaction of nursing studentswith online learning and identify the barriers which restrict online learning. The descriptive andinferential statistics were used for the analysis in which 219 participants were enrolled in the studyof data with IBM SPSS version 20.RESULTS: Majority of student’s participants 148 (67.57%) were extremely satisfied with onlinelearning. The findings suggest that the highest barriers which restrict to online learning amongnursing students is low voice and language clarity (2.16 ± 0.593), physical health barriers such aseye strain (2.43 ± 0.613), reliability and connectivity problem (2.26 ± 0.534). Among all demographicdata, age is significantly associated with the level of satisfaction of online learning.CONCLUSIONS: The study data indicated that maximum students were extremely satisfied the withonline learning and among barriers which effect online learning is low voice and language clarity,reliability and connectivity problem, physical health barriers such as eye strain.