. Esmaeil Mousavi Asl; . Hatam Boostani; . Forouzan Behrouzian; . Hamzeh Rostami
Volume 11, Issue 10 , November 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus has caused fundamental changes in our way of life, leading to awave of psychological distress associated with the COVID‑19 epidemic, including stress, ...
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BACKGROUND: The coronavirus has caused fundamental changes in our way of life, leading to awave of psychological distress associated with the COVID‑19 epidemic, including stress, anxiety,perceived threats, and fear.Considering the psychological consequences of COVID‑19, the presentstudy was conducted with the aim of mediating the role of compassion in the relationship betweenCOVID‑19 anxiety syndrome and COVID‑19 burnout.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The design of the present study was descriptive correlation. Thepresent study population included all students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciencesin the academic year 2020. Two hundred and fifty‑one students were selected and completed theCOVID‑19 Anxiety Syndrome Questionnaire, Compassion Scale, and COVID‑19 Burnout Scale.Pearson correlation coefficient test and structural equation model were performed using SPSSversion 18 and LISREL 8.8.RESULTS: The results showed that COVID‑19 burnout had a positive and significant relationshipwith the overall score of anxiety syndrome (r = 0.42, P = 0.01), while it has a negative and significantrelationship with compassion (r = −0.37, P = 0.01). Compassion also has a significant negativerelationship with anxiety syndrome (r = −0.35, P = 0.01). In addition, the results of path analysisshowed that compassion plays a mediating role in the relationship between COVID‑19 anxietysyndrome and COVID‑19 burnout.CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of the present study, it can be said that compassion actsas a protective factor against the negative effects of anxiety syndrome. Therefore, this factor canbe considered in the development of prevention and treatment programs for burnout caused byCOVID‑19.