. Sudip Bhattacharya; . Amarjeet Singh; . Jayanti Semwal; . Roy Rillera Marzo; . Neha Sharma, Manish Goyal; . Shaili Vyas; . Abhay Srivastava
Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: Disaster can occur at any time any place. Disaster preparedness plays an importantrole to reduce the loss of a community/country. The aim of this interventional study ...
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INTRODUCTION: Disaster can occur at any time any place. Disaster preparedness plays an importantrole to reduce the loss of a community/country. The aim of this interventional study was to ascertainthe impact of a video‑based educational intervention program on improvement in knowledge andattitude of paramedical students in a hospital.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A pre–post study (interventional study design) was conducted onparamedic students. Our study period was 6 months which was divided into Phases I, II, and III. Foradministrative purpose, we included all paramedical students, and our sample size was 119. Thebaseline assessment of knowledge and attitude of paramedic students was done by a pretestedquestionnaire (Observation 1) with having a baseline scoring. After that, intervention Phase 1 wasimplemented, and later, end line observation (Observation 2) was made. Changes in knowledge andattitude were observed by the score difference (Observation 2–Observation 1). Descriptive statisticswere calculated, and the mean of cumulative score was compared using the Wilcoxon signed‑ranktest. We applied Mann–Whitney U‑test for finding associations between dependent variables withan independent variable using SPSS version 22 (IBM, Chicago, USA) software.RESULTS: Our baseline results showed that most of our participants had averageknowledge (54.6%), followed by poor knowledge (24.4%). Approximately one‑fifth (21.0%) of theparticipants had good knowledge regarding disaster preparedness. A significant improvement wasobserved in cumulative score (P < 0.005). A significant difference was observed in knowledge andattitude with respect to age and courses (P < 0.05). Forty percent of the students responded thatthey would like to get trained by that mock drill, and 26.1% were interested in disaster preparednessworkshops in the future.CONCLUSION: Our present study results indicate that the overall knowledge and attitude level ofthe students was average and required improvement. A similar result was reported in some studiesconducted globally for the same purpose. All of our students perceived that training for disasterpreparedness is necessary for all health facilities, and it is important to have an emergency planand disaster management committee. Regarding training methods, most of our students liked ourinteractive audiovisual method. However, their preferred methods were mock drill and workshops.It can be arranged in the future for them.