. Morteza Mansourian; . Arash Ziapour; . Mohammad Kazemian; . Zhilla Heydarpoor Damanabad; . Babk Rastegarimehr; . Amin Mirzaei; . Omid Safari; . Reza Pourmirza Kalhori; . Mohammadreza Mansouri Arani
Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: One of the key elements in family‑centered care is educating parents withhospitalized infant at intensive care unit. Education is a fundamental role of nursing at intensivecare ...
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INTRODUCTION: One of the key elements in family‑centered care is educating parents withhospitalized infant at intensive care unit. Education is a fundamental role of nursing at intensivecare units to satisfy parents and accelerate disease progression that eventually reduces hospitalre‑admission.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross‑sectional study conducted in 2018, and the studypopulation was admitted infants (n = 90) in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of Shahid BeheshtiUniversity of Medical Sciences hospitals. We used a questionnaire including sociodemographiccharacteristics and performance of nurses in educating parents. Nurses’ performance was assessedin five major areas composed of family‑centered care, delivering cares according to individualizedneeds, education on equipment, basic needs of infants, and finally, nutritional education. All statisticalanalyses were conducted using SPSS version 22. The data were analyzed using t‑test, ANOVA,and nonparametric tests.RESULTS: Findings from the current study indicated that nurses performed their educational roleweakly (37% of standard level). We also found that nurses who participated in neonatal educationalcourses had better performance compared to their counterparts. The results showed that year ofexperiences working as a clinical nurse was significantly associated (P < 0.05) with performingstandard education.CONCLUSION: Our findings indicated that nurses performed their educational role weakly whichmight be due to staff shortage, heavy workload, and lack of time for educating parents. Therefore,it is necessary to improve the quality of education among nurses working at the NICUs and providethe necessary standards and indicators to evaluate this important task.