. Soumyaneel Das; . Rabindra Nath Roy; . Dilip Kumar Das; . Amitava Chakraborty; . Raston Mondal
Volume 9, Issue 12 , December 2019, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Clinical evaluations are not sufficient to adequately characterize the morbidityassociated with hemophilia. Quality of life (QoL) of hemophilics and associated factors is ...
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BACKGROUND: Clinical evaluations are not sufficient to adequately characterize the morbidityassociated with hemophilia. Quality of life (QoL) of hemophilics and associated factors is not wellexplored in Indian research. The present study aimed to measure the QoL in hemophilics and itsassociation with socio‑demographic characteristics and other characteristics.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was conducted during June–November 2018.Two hundred and one hemophilics (age ≥ 4 years) were interviewed with a pre‑tested schedule forsociodemographic and other relevant variables. QoL was measured by Haemo‑QoL questionnaire fordifferent pediatric age groups and Haem‑A‑QoL questionnaire for adults and assigned health‑relatedQoL scores. Score achieved in each dimension as well as total scores were transformed on scalesranging from 0 to 100, high values indicate high impairment of QoL. Hemophilic arthropathy wasassessed using the World Federation of Hemophilia Joint Scores. One‑way ANOVA, independentt‑test, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Spearman correlation analyses were performed using SPSSversion 16.RESULTS: Mean Haemo‑QoL scores for 4–7 years, 8–12 years, 13–16 years, and >16 years were43.92 ± 8.09, 37.37 ± 8.62, 32.79 ± 6.66, and 45.92 ± 6.30, respectively. Significant difference wasnoted for QoL scores across different age groups, grades of severity, educational, occupationalcategories, socioeconomic status classes, marital status, and presence or absence of target joint. TotalQoL scores, as well as scores in some of the dimensions, showed a significant positive correlationwith the World Federation of Hemophilia joint scores by Spearman correlation analysis.CONCLUSIONS: Improvement of the joint health status by regular physiotherapy is needed toimprove the QoL of hemophilics.